Nontraditional careers (also called nontraditional occupations or NTOs) for women are those in which women represent less than 25% of all people employed in that field. Pay, benefits and job satisfaction can be much higher than in traditionally female occupations.
Her Own Words ® Women in Nontraditional Careers
PO Box 5264
Madison, WI 53705-0264
p: 608.271.7083
f: 608.271.0209
e: jocelynriley at
All materials Copyright © 2025 Jocelyn Riley, Her Own Words, LLC.
Following are some ideas for using Her Own Words®: Women in Nontraditional Careers media programs and posters.
Display the Women in Nontraditional Careers posters outside or inside tech ed classrooms.
Showing the Media Programs or displaying the Posters could be combined with a local speaker or could stand alone and spark a discussion.
Play the Women in Nontraditional Careers Media Programs in hallways or waiting areas during a Career Fair or at a One-Stop Workforce Center.
Play the Women in Nontraditional Careers Media Programs as part of a larger presentation encouraging girls and women to consider training for NTOs (nontraditional occupations).
Invite a local speaker or panel of speakers to a career-day presentation on a specific nontraditional career and show a Her Own Words® Women in Nontraditional Careers Media Program before they begin to speak. Many people find it easier to speak if media is part of a presentation and they don’t have to cover the whole time period. Women whose job does not involve public speaking will particularly appreciate having a focus for their presentation. They can then talk about how their own work is similar or different from the work portrayed in the media program. Possible speakers include: police officer, firefighter, welder, machinist, construction worker, electrician, engineer, plumber.
Display the Women in Nontraditional Careers Posters in your career center or guidance office waiting room.
Display the Women in Nontraditional Careers Posters as part of a Women’s History Month (March) bulletin board presentation.
The materials in the Her Own Words® Women in Nontraditional Careers series are ideal for CTE Month presentations, vocational counseling, career exploration days, library programs, scout and youth groups, one-stop centers, Women’s History Month, and Women’s Equality Day.